The Port of Callao is Peru’s main port, holding a major importance in the Peruvian economy. The current concessionaire APM Terminals Callao took over the port facilities in 2011 with the main purpose of modernizing the current port infrastructure and equipment, in order to adapt to the demands of the present freight system. The port facilities update calls for more efficient machinery, centered on replacing diesel-powered equipment with electrical. This change will reduce noise and emissions, as well as establish multiple monitoring programs to measure air quality, vibration, noise, seawater, marine sediments and biodiversity of wildlife in the port’s direct area of influence. The project has implemented an intensive social responsibility program to ensure the inclusion of surrounding communities. Some of these initiatives will benefit fishermen and their families, helping them to increase their income through better fishing practices, as well as improving their quality of life.
Research director
Dr. Andreas Georgoulias
Research core team
Cristina Contreras, ENV-SP • Judith Rodriguez, ENV-SP
Case study written by
Axel Becerra, Postdoc Fellow • Maria Arrasate, MDesS Risk and Relience 2015
Laurel Schwab, Masters in Urban Planning 2016